Sunday, May 29, 2011

I now know why some people can't help being extreme couponers.

Today I bought Oscar Meyer hotdogs for 50 cents a package!

Here's how it broke down:

$3.67 - regular price

$1.50 - on sale

I had four coupons (two store, two manufacturer) for $1.00 off two.

I ended up getting 4 packages that would normally cost me $14.68 (regular price) for only $2.00 (on sale and with coupons.)

Monday, May 23, 2011

I was thinking about keeping a running total my savings.

Today I used two $1 coupons printed off the internet at Family Dollar.
Jeremy got me watching the Extreme Couponing show on TLC this last weekend. It got me thinking that there's got to be more ways that I can save us money.

So I started checking out ways to get coupons for products we already use.

There are a lot of websites where you print off the coupons from the internet. A while back when I worked at the local grocery store, they were having trouble with fraudulent coupons printed from the internet and had stopped accepting them. I asked today and they accept coupons printed off of the internet.

I think that Family Dollar may be my best way of saving money. They also let customers use their coupons along with manufacturer's coupons.

I've been on a coupon searching binge today and printed off a bunch that I can use.

My best source of coupons so far has been a website that has a massive amount of links.

I'm also thinking about buying coupons on ebay. I haven't gotten to look at anything there yet. It will have to be another day.